Sunday, January 29, 2012

Do a good turn daily

The scout slogan is "do a good turn daily"

In 1909 William D Boyce was on business in London- he became disoriented and lost in a heavy fog as he was trying to find a certain place of business. As he stood trying to get his bearings a boy came out of the fog and asked if he needed any help. He said "yes I'm trying to find this business can you help me?" After the boy lead him to the business William tried to give him a tip, but the boy said "No. Thank you. I am a scout I won't take anything for helping."

Intrigued William asked "A scout? What is that?" The boy told him about Lord Baden Powell and the scouting movement that he had started. William asked for the address so that he could go and find out more about this organization. He was so impressed with the organization that he brought it home with him and in 1910 started the Boy Scouts in America.

The good turn by an unknown scout in London 1909 resulted in the formation of the scouting organization in the US and an untold number of good turns by the millions of scouts that have been in the organization.

A 13 year old boy in Gilbert Arizona named Spencer was made the deacon's quorum president and typically that also makes him the senior patrol leader in his scout group. He had a boy named Dayton in his group with cerebral palsy- you may have seen the video "Dayon's Legs." Spencer asked Dayton if he would like to do a triathlon with him. Spencer swam pulling Dayton in a little raft, ran pushing him in a jogging stroller, and biked pulling him in a trailer. He came in 82nd overall and 1st in the relay category.

Our good turns can be something simple like helping someone with directions or bigger things like including someone in our activities that could not do themselves. Regardless of whether it seems small or little the daily good turns that we do as scouts can have a huge impact on the lives of others.

Live the scout spirit by always doing a good turn daily!

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