Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Scout Is Loyal 2

A scout is loyal- "A scout is true to his family, friends, scout leaders, school, nation [and God]..."

Damon and Philip were the best of friends. They had grown up together and had always loved and trusted each other like brothers. As they became men Philip began to speak out against their king telling people that he was a tyrant. Eventually Philip was arrested by the king's men, charged with treason and sentenced to death. The king asked Philip if he had any last requests, and Philip said "let me go back to my home town, say good-by to my wife, and put all my things in order." The king laughed and said "you think I'm a fool? If I let you leave this city you will leave and never come back." Damon, who had watched all the proceedings, came forward and said "I will stand in his place while he is gone." The king said "you know that if he does not come back you will die in his place?" Damon replied "he is my friend and I trust him- He will return." So the king put Damon in prison to wait for Philip to return.

Days went by and Philip had not returned, so the king went down to the prison to gloat over Damon that he was soon going to die because Philip was not coming back. Damon told the king "I know that he will return. The only reason that he would be delayed is if some problems are holding him back." The king couldn't believe that he still was trusting and believing in his friend.

The day arrived and Damon was brought to the executioner. The king laughed at him and said "how do you feel about your friend now that he did not return." No sooner had the king said this then a shout was heard through the crowd and Philip ran up and embraced Damon. He explained that his ship had wrecked and that he had been attacked by robbers, but that all he could think about was getting back to Damon. Philip turned to the king and said "I am ready to face my death."

The king listened to this story with surprise then said "I revoke the sentence. I did not believe that such friendship and loyalty could exist between two friends, and it is only right that you should both be rewarded with your freedom. I only ask on thing- that I too can be part of so worthy of a friendship."

Be the kind of friend; the kind of scout who is loyal